Il testo teatrale è il risultato di otto mesi di workshop condotto a Cape Town con donne immigrate provenienti da diversi paesi africani. Tra le esperienze personali che hanno accomunato queste donne, l’essere sopravvissute alle Mutilazioni Genitali Femminili. Attraverso un percorso di scrittura, le voci di queste donne emergono dal silenzio, dallo stigma diventando una ricca testimonianza per conoscere l’impatto che questa pratica ha su milioni di ragazze e donne nel mondo.

The Play and the Book have received the support of Amnesty for promoting Human Rights through Art.

the cut/lo strappO

Photocredit by Lorenzo Moscia

The play is the result of an 8-month storytelling workshop in Cape Town/South Africa with a group of undocumented immigrant women from other African countries. One of the main experiences that the women had in common was that they were all survivors of Female Genital Mutilation, which is still practiced in their own countries. Through the voices of these women, we become aware of the impact (physical, social, and psychological) of FGM on their lives.

The Play has been staged by:

Gugu Women Lab - South Africa

Teatro dell’Aria - Italy

Valentina Acava - Reading

the cut/lo strappO

The Play and the Book have received the support of Amnesty for promoting Human Rights through Art.

The Play has been staged by:

Photocredit by Lorenzo Moscia

Gugu Women Lab - South Africa

Teatro dell’Aria - Italy

Il testo teatrale è il risultato di otto mesi di workshop condotto a Cape Town con donne immigrate provenienti da diversi paesi africani. Tra le esperienze personali che hanno accomunato queste donne, l’essere sopravvissute alle Mutilazioni Genitali Femminili. Attraverso un percorso di scrittura, le voci di queste donne emergono dal silenzio, dallo stigma diventando una ricca testimonianza per conoscere l’impatto che questa pratica ha su milioni di ragazze e donne nel mondo.

Valentina Acava - Reading

The play is the result of an 8-month storytelling workshop in Cape Town/South Africa with a group of undocumented immigrant women from other African countries. One of the main experiences that the women had in common was that they were all survivors of Female Genital Mutilation, which is still practiced in their own countries. Through the voices of these women, we become aware of the impact (physical, social, and psychological) of FGM on their lives.